1st Grade Unit 1 Life Science

1st Grade Science Tips & Tricks

Unit 1 Tips and Tricks

THANK YOU for sharing feedback with us in real time as you teach these lessons. We created a space to capture your tips and tricks as you all navigate these lssons for the first time! Your feedback is extremely helpful and will shape post unit revisions. 

1LS: Unit 1 Planner

Teacher Planner

This is your Unit 1 Lesson Plan

1LS:Unit 1 Slides

Unit Slides

You will use this slide deck for all Lessons in the Unit.

SP.1LS: Unit 1 Planner

Spanish Immersion Teacher Planner

SP.1LS:Unit 1 Slides

Spanish Immersion Slides

01.U1:Materials to Print

Resources to Print

01.U1.In Your Kit

What's in your kit?

01.LS.Assessment Evidence

Standards & Assessments