Number Talks

Number Talks are an effective way to help students build number sense and gain a deeper understanding of math concepts.

Online Lessons and Resources

FLAS Number Talks Resources Folder

The Number Talk Resources folder contains sample problems, tools and other resources for getting started with number talks in your classroom.

Number Talks Lesson Examples

Find links to video examples of Number Talks lessons by grade level on the Number Talks Resources and Video Links shared document.

Making Number Talks Matter PD Study Guide

Linked here is the Making Number Talks Matter Study Guide to accompany our book study of Making Number Talks Matter by Cathy Humphreys and Ruth Parker.

Why Number Talks?

“Simply defined, number talks are five to fifteen-minute classroom conversations around purposefully crafted computation problems that are solved mentally.”

- Sherry Parrish

Key Ideas in Number Talks

  • Number Talks focus on mental math.

    • Solving problems mentally pushes students to think flexibly and be efficient with numbers and helps them build number sense.

  • Number Talks require a safe learning environment.

    • Students need to feel comfortable sharing and understand that there is no one right approach; mistakes are opportunities to learn.

  • Number Talks may or may not connect to the lesson.

    • Number Talks leverage intentionally crafted problems that guide students to focus on mathematical relationships; these problems build on each other but may or may not connect to the daily math lesson.

  • Number Talks are most effective when done daily.

    • Keep Number Talks short (5 to 15 minutes) and do them as a daily routine to have the greatest impact.

Social Media Connections Worth Following


Follow Sherry Parrish, author of multiple books on Number Talks.

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